达飝:Lean 6σ Tactical Training Camp (精益6σ实战特训营/英语授课__)
2017-05-02 2614

【General Content】

 【1st  Day】PART 1  Lean 6σ and Business Competitiveness

                   PART 2  Basis of Modern 6σ Approaches

 【2nd Day】PART 2  Basis of Modern 6σ Approaches      


                    GROUPING GAME:

                    Finite Communication Test

                    PART 3  Process Improvement with DMIAC Approaches

                    PART 4  Process Innovation with DMEDV Approaches

 【3rd Day】PART 5  Lean Process Approaches in Changing Era

                    GROUPING GAME:

                    Perception & Interpretation to Manufacturing Industry

                    of & by Lean 6σ.

                    PART 6  Lean 6σ Strengthening and deepening

                    PART 7  Interaction, Discussion and Encouragement

【Detailed Content】

【1st Day】

PART 1  Lean 6σ and Business Competitiveness

1 What is Lean 6σ?

  Meanings and goals   Team building Plan

  Fast response to external and internal requirement

  Basic knowledge


  6σ meaning in math, physics, manufacturing on site and business  

  management and operation

2 “IRON Triangle” in manufacturing industry


3 “Golden Triangle” in lean 6σ

  Process Improvement  DMIAC

  Process Innovation  DMEDI

  Lean Process  

  Lean 6σ based on skills

  Lean 6σ based on process

4 Ways of learning lean 6σ

  Different ways of thinking in team between West and East

  A glance to industry change era

  The precise understanding to process, management and operation

  Ways of thinking based on process

  Ways of thinking based on knowledge and experience

  The Go Technique   the best practice    the benchmark

  Business structure in today’s IT era

  What is a real PDCA circle.

PART 2  Basis of Modern 6σ Approaches

According to the client business situation and the trainees requirement, we will interpreter the lean 6σ knowledge and skills in a way of carpet bombing, along with the related weak area in the class

We recommend the following, where we are also pleasure to adjust the content ahead of the training and in the class discussion.

      5 Whys

      Analysis of variance  

      General linear model

      ANOVA Gauge R&R

      Regression analysis


      Scatter diagram

      Chi-squared test

      Axiomatic design

【2nd Day】(PART 2 continuous)

      Business Process Mapping/Check sheet

      Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram  

      Control chart/Run charts  

      Cost-benefit analysis  

      CTQ tree  

      Design of experiments/Stratification  

      Histograms/Pareto analysis/Pareto chart  

      Pick chart/Process capability/Rolled throughput yield  

      Quality Function Deployment (QFD)  

      Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) systems  

      Root cause analysis  

      SIPOC analysis (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers)

      COPIS analysis (Customer centric version/perspective of SIPOC)

      Taguchi methods/Taguchi Loss Function  

      Value stream mapping  

GROUPING GAME: Finite Communication Test

Q&A examples:

What can I do for the lean 6σ improvement, and in a certain lean 6σ improvement project team?

What shall I have done 3 years later from now in the lean 6σ business? Where is my position in a in a given lean 6σ improvement project team?

Is my communication in team in a good condition, in terms of logical and imaginal thinking, as well as IQ and EQ?

PART 3  Process Improvement with DMIAC Approaches

1 DMIAC interpretation

2 DMIAC beginning pointing action

  Contingency Management

  Top Priority

  Bottleneck Management

  Bottleneck shift

3 DMIAC case in practice

  The case could be provided either by David(龘卫) team or from the

  actual business in the client company.

PART 4  Process Innovation with DMEDV Approaches

1 DMEDV interpretation

2 DMEDV beginning point in practice

  Foundation of product development

  Base of process innovation


  Interaction:What kind of internal business relationship between the  

                       product engineers and the operators in flowshop?

  Case discussion:Why an operator become an product engineer in

                               another company?

3 DMEDV case in practice

  The case could be provided either by David(龘卫) team or from the

  actual business in the client company.

【3rd Day】

PART 5  Lean Process Approaches in Changing Era


  Was I forging data in the past?

  The hardest-hit area of forged data in business

  Team reengineering and rebuilding   What is our goals?

  OEEE case for class discussion

2 Lean 6σ based on approaches

  Necessary and unnecessary activities

  Silver bullet: A skill to quick recognize the actual lean 6σ  situation on

                      site with 30 minutes.

  What is Waste?

  Five dimensions   Three kinds    Seven types

  Love your flowshop   Style on Site/気風がある

  Team energy, to turn over every brick in flowshop and lean to see.

3 Lean 6σ based on process

  Capabilities    Bottle management, the key process in processes

  Time and takt    Pull and push


  Inventory, an interesting indicator in performance system

  Production leveling    Single piece production

  Blind area,  error area and minefield in JIT


Perception & Interpretation to Manufacturing Industry of & by Lean 6σ.


PART 6  Lean 6σ Strengthening and deepening

1 Supply chain integration and optimization

Product development   purchase  production  customer

Vertical integration(M&A)

Feasible/optical/optimized solution


2 Concurrence Engineering

Concurrent planning

Concurrent planning and execution

3 Value chain Engineering

Video: Monopoly cross industries

4 Matrix management

What is a challenge team? What is the Challenge system?

The Rule of the trouble point responsibility

Discussion: The informal group in organization

PART 7  Interaction, Discussion and Encouragement

TAG: 六西格玛管理ISO系统内训课

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